+ 17

Years working with integrative therapies

+ 200

Classes taught

+ 1.000

Number of certified students

• Who is Ricardo Garé? What is Animal Consciousness Center & Holistc Vet?

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After becoming a veterinarian in 2002, this call became stronger and in 2008 I carried out a scientific research for an Academic Master's Degree at USP's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, scientifically proving the effects of Reiki.

My purpose and the team is to bring techniques that assist in the mental / emotional and physical balance of non-human animals, in addition to bringing awareness of who they really are.

I hope that the texts, videos and seminars contribute to your path of self-knowledge and transformation of your life and bring techniques to help you and your non-human animal companion

Ricardo Garé

Holistic / Integrative Veterinarian

Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP. Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor and Therapist

• Courses •

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Healing Grief with the Help of Animals

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Intuitive Animal Communication Online Seminar

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Animal Wisdom Series: Healing Gifts from Earth Animals

How can animals teach us the wisdom and healing that comes from earth energy? In this special 90-minute webinar, the first in the Animal Wisdom Series, renowned holistic veterinarian and Reiki Teacher Ricardo Gare from Brazil and Animal Reiki expert Kathleen Prasad from the USA will teach two powerfully healing meditations to help you connect with the healing power of whale and dolphin energy.

Day: may 1

• Blog •

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Tutor and dog energetic relationship

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Animals have abilities that we have lost

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Sexual Chakra of Non-Human Animals – Emotions and Unconscious

• Newsletter •