4 practical tips on how to do reiki on animals

1 – The animal decides whether or not to touch it during Reiki.

This can happen mainly in the first or first visits. The animal may find it strange to feel the energy, even realizing it is to help.

At Reiki Level 1 the energy is emitted at a short distance more. You can stay close but no need to contact.

From Reiki Level 2 there are no distance limits. In this case, it is best if kept at a place or accompany the animal at a certain distance and issue the Reiki, for his total body or mentalising the energy going to each chakra.

2 – They decide the time of treatment.

Because they absorb energy a little more rapidly, it is common for them to “decide” that Reiki is over. Have already received everything. They show that they want to leave, many times coming from close to you.

Try going back and find out if he just wanted to eat or do some need. If he insists on no longer accepting Reiki, respect. It really was all over in that time.

3 – They can demonstrate the positions to be applied.

It’s wonderful when it happens and it happens.

You are in a certain position, the animal moves and stops with a region of the body in your hands, you return to the previous position, it moves again, stopping with the same region in your hands.

It is in this region that needs to be done now. Respect and do. Then continue the positions.

4 – Other animals may join.

It is common during Reiki for other animals to be around or even our lap, specially cats, but it can happen also with dogs and other animals.

Sometimes they want to, and sometimes they come to help.

Realize what is happening to know how to act.

See you later!

Ah! Leave your comments, questions and suggestions down there in the comments.

With love

Ricardo Garé

ThetaHealing Instructor and Therapist, Reiki Master, Holistic Veterinary and Flower Essence Therapist



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