5 Reiki Precepts

“Reiki is the Secret Art of Inviting Happiness.”Mikao Usui, creator of the Reiki System.

The way to achieve well-being and personal satisfaction is done through the 5 Principles of Reiki, called Gokai in Japanese. Are they:

In order to achieve spiritual evolution, Mikao Usui guides you to repeat all these steps twice a day, every day, through speech or thought. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, and at night, when you go to bed.

When we focus on living in the moment now and keep the phrase “Just for Today” in mind, we are able to keep all of our awareness and energy in the present. This is the great key to achieving happiness, ending anguish, ceasing anxiety, living less stressed and getting rid of everything that prevents us from being peaceful and living a full material / spiritual life.

Observing and dealing with anger

Do not anger.

What is the source of our anger? How do we need to act to be calmer? Analyze the reason for your instability.

In most cases, if not always, the source of our anger comes from something that didn’t go as we expected or from someone who didn’t act as we expected. Let go of expecting something. Let go of control. There is no control. Let it flow.

Be calm and try your best not to be angry. And when you feel, after all we are not made of iron, do not hide it! Realize why it arises, and as soon as you understand the source of the anger within you, it will disappear, transform and be transmuted.

Free your mind from worries

Do not worry.

“If you have a problem that cannot be solved, why worry? If you have a problem that can be solved, why worry? ” – Shantideva.

Worry is a totally expendable attitude and symbolizes a great waste of energy. This feeling only appears when we stop living in the present. We are concerned with what has happened, with what has not happened and with things that may not even happen. This generates anguish, anxiety and that uncomfortable tightness in the chest.

Do not worry. Trust me. Live in the present.

Whenever you worry, bring your hands together at chest level, breathe deeply and keep your attention on the breath or the middle fingers that touch in the middle of a meditation.

By acting with awareness and focusing your attention on your breath or hands, you will necessarily remain in the present, as there will be no space to project yourself into the past or future. Breathe deeply once more and continue your chores. Notice how your inner state has changed. It is more calm and centered. Happy and full.

Reiki is the secret art of inviting happiness into your life. Always remember this!

Gratitude must be frequent

Be grateful.

Always be grateful, regardless of the situation. Even if the general scenario is troubled, all the situations experienced are great opportunities for us to grow and mature as human beings. Trust and be grateful!

Recent research carried out by specialized professionals, shows that happiness is not exactly the great generator of gratitude, but the opposite. The attitude of gratitude is responsible for inner happiness. And the most curious thing is that this feeling appears precisely in the face of adversity. So always be grateful!

Honest work will take you further

Work diligently

Are you honest with the people you live with? Are you honest with your patient / client? And, most importantly, are you honest with yourself? Do you work with what makes you happy or are you mistaken with your current job that, deep down, you don’t like? Do you really know yourself?

Do an exercise of looking carefully at your non-qualities without looking away or retracting them.
Be honest and assume your imperfections and all the other points that you think you need to improve. It is by accepting your best and your worst that you will be able to see the incredible spiritual being that you are!

Kindness and love must be universal

Be kind to others

Be kind and loving to all living beings.

Love and kindness are not selective. We do not love and are kind to only a few, we must be with everyone.

We do not include just a portion of animals in our “circle of love” and we exclude others as we consider food, entertainment or a financial source, such as, for example, the recreational use of animals in circuses or the abusive crossing of dogs and cats for purposes profitable.

Love and kindness do not exclude any being. Love and kindness are felt by all beings, regardless of the species. That is the true meaning of full love.

It is essential to cherish the life and freedom of all living beings, regardless of whether they are humans or animals. Everyone must be respected as equals because everyone has conscience and feelings. That simple!

Applying the Gokai

Sit down, put your hands on your chest, breathe and do the Gokai (5 Reiki principles).

Notice a love without distinctions emanating from your chest. A love for all living beings. Love an insect, a larva, a cockroach, a fish, a turtle, a chicken, a parrot, a cat, a dog, a cow, a pig, a pregnant sow or with your child, a goat, a human child, a adolescent, an adult human, a pregnant woman, human parents and elderly humans. All with the same intensity, quality and respect.

Feel the same intensity of love for each of them.

This is true love. Full love. That connects everyone. Who sees everyone as equal. Reiki is a way to know and enlighten yourself.


The Reiki Method of Natural Healing is the secret art of inviting happiness.


Ricardo Gare

Founder of the Animal Consciousness Center

Veterinary and Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP (San Paulo University – Brazil)

Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor

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