Healing Grief with the Help of Animals

How can condor and hummingbird help us to heal grief?

In this special 90-minute webinar, the third in the Animal Wisdom Series, renowned holistic veterinarian and Reiki Teacher Ricardo Gare from Brazil and Animal Reiki expert Kathleen Prasad from the USA will teach two powerfully healing meditations to help you transform and harmonize the energy of grief.


+ 18

Years of working with interactive therapies

+ 200

Courses taught

+ 1.000

Number of certified students

• Modules •


Meditating with animals who embody air energy can empower us to reconnect with joy within our life force, empower our thoughts in difficult moments, and practice letting go of what no longer serves us.

This class will be offered on Zoom in English with a Portuguese simultaneous translation available if needed. Can’t make it live? All participants will receive the English video (and Portuguese audio recordings if requested).

Saturday, July 10th, 2021
10-11:30AM Pacific time


In this class you’ll learn:

  • How condor and hummingbird can help us balance our shadow and our light as we navigate loss.
  • How condors and hummingbirds support our Earth and how we can also help them.
  • Condors and hummingbirds as spiritual teachers and healers of grief. How can they help support us in difficult moments?

Plus you’ll be guided in:

  • A transforming meditation with condor and hummingbird energy to help you turn grief into peace and gratitude.
  • A balancing meditation with condor and hummingbird to balance the shadow and light energy within yourself.

Kathleen and Ricardo believe it is time for humans to wake up to the blessings that animals of the world are offering to us each and every day. This class is the third in the Animal Wisdom Series, and we hope this series of courses will support you in creating a more compassionate life! Find deeper wisdom and insights by meditating with the special animals in this series. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to join the English and Portuguese healing community for the good of all beings!

• Teachers •

Ricardo Gare

Master in Health Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, USP. Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor and Therapist

Kathleen Prasad

Author, Animal Reiki Teacher and Founder of the Let Animals Lead® Method of Animal Reiki, Co-founder of The Shelter Animal Reiki Association

• Our Courses •

Healing Grief with the Help of Animals

Price $ $75

Select one of the available dates


July 10th