
Who is Ricardo Garé?

Hello, welcome to Animal Consciousness Center & Holistic Vet.

After becoming a veterinarian in 2002, this call became stronger and in 2008 I conducted an Academic Master’s research at USP’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, scientifically proving the effects of Reiki.

It started with an exclusive practice of attending as a veterinarian exclusively with Reiki and then other techniques entered: Saint Germain floral, ThetaHealing and Animal Communication between Consciousness.

Today I realize that what I do has the purpose of bringing not only techniques for the mental / emotional and physical balance of non-human animals.

In addition and more than that, among the various purposes is to bring awareness of who nonhuman animals really are.

How is their spirituality? What is their chakra system like? How can we have better communication and understand them?

All of this leads to the deconstruction of an illusion of separation that the human species collectively created by understanding us as a person, a human separated from animals.

Today, we are formed by a qualified team to assist non-human animals and tutors with the best therapies.

I hope that the texts, videos and seminars helps transform your life and bring techniques to help you and your non-human animal companion.

I also hope that they are the keys to opening the doors to new possibilities and understandings of what other beings are than human.

With love

Ricardo Garé

Veterinarian with exclusively Holistic / Integrative practices

Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP

Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor and Therapist

• Blog •

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Tutor and dog energetic relationship

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Animals have abilities that we have lost

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Sexual Chakra of Non-Human Animals – Emotions and Unconscious