Animals have abilities that we have lost

Non-human animals that know when tutors are coming.

Ability and knowledge developed by individuals of a group and expressed by other individuals of the same species in another part of the planet without having had contact.

Dogs and cats that seem to catch the tutor’s thoughts and behave accordingly, like when the tutor thinks about going for a walk and they get excited, even though the tutor isn’t in the same environment.

There are countless reports.
Cases that happened to me and several students from the Animal Intuitive Communication and Animal Reiki courses.

Hundreds more cases that scientist and biologist Rupert Sheldrake @rupertsheldrake reports in the impressive and highly recommended book Dogs Know When Owners Are Coming, by @koi.editora .

They are natural abilities of all animals, which were necessary to be developed for the survival of the individual and the species, such as:

– know the intention of the other, if it is a predator or not

– feeling someone approaching (that same feeling of being watched that we have)

– somehow transmit a silent warning to members away from danger or food.

These are abilities available to all animals…including you, who are expressing yourself right now in an animal body, a human animal.

We happen to forget about it.
We forget that we are an animal in that moment.
In fact, we don’t even like to think about it very much, because human society thinks that other animals are smaller, less intelligent and that we are somehow special and graced by Life.

Does this separation really exist?

Are we better?
More skilled?

We are not even able to survive properly on this planet.

I believe that in order to survive, if we want to survive, we have to learn how to do that and how to relate in a healthy way with the external environment and non-human animals have been doing this for much longer than us…human animals.

We need to put ourselves in our place and learn from those who came before, from them.

Does it make sense to you?
What do you think?

Ricardo Gare

Veterinary and Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP (São Paulo University – Brazil)

Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor

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