Chakras of non-human animals

In the system of Reiki techniques, treatments are done through symbols and energetic flows, which are concentrated and applied mainly through points in the body where most of the 7 Major Chakras are. Chacras or Chakras are energetic vortexes (circles) spread throughout the body, where energy is absorbed and emitted.

When we learn Reikian techniques, most courses explain superficially how the treatment can be done on animals, but few really address the topic in depth, generating many doubts for those who want to carry out care in practice.

In fact, the Reiki theme in non-human animals is still scarce in the literature if we compare the literature for humans. One of the few reikianas that offers books on Animal Reiki to its students, is Kathleen Prasad, author of the iconic Animal Reiki and Reiki for Dogs books.

The non-humano animal chakras are part of a segment of Reiki that is little explored, since it started to appear very recently and they still have very little information on the subject. Are they the same as humans? Do animals have more or less energy points? Do they work the same as in humans?

Well then! To cease all these doubts that surround the theme, let’s go to the main Non-human Animal Chakras Part 1! I will give a brief introduction about them in this content and, in part 2, I will go into some more points.

The 8 Chakra points present in dogs and cats

When Reikian treatment is applied to non-human animals, it usually occurs in the most common non-human beings around us, such as dogs, cats, horses, cows, oxen, pigs and other mammals.

Due to this lack of non-human animal diversity among human animals, not every professional has knowledge of the Chakras in birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians and other species. Making the topic even more specific and curious.

In this particular text, we will focus on the chakras of dogs and cats. Like humans, these species also have 7 basic chakras, but they have one more chakra that has a very important role in the energy spectrum.

Below, we talk a little more about each of these Chakras and tell them about their main characteristics. Just take a look!

Braquial Chakra

The Brachial Chakra is the exclusive energy vortex of dogs and cats and can be represented by white or gray color.

Although little studied in the literature, this Chakra is considered very powerful because it helps the animal to feel more comfortable to receive the treatment and to collaborate with the Reikian who is applying it. In addition, it is also able to energize the other Chakras in the body and is part of the energetic connection with humans.

Root Chakra

Symbolized by the color red, the Root Chakra is responsible for the survival instinct, which leads animals to take actions thinking about their physical permanence on the planet. This vortex also allows the animal to be closer to the energy coming from Earth.

Sexual Chakra

The Sexual Chakra is represented by the color orange and its action is directly linked to sexual impulses, which are very common when we talk about non-human beings. This energetic vortex is responsible for decreasing the sexual activities of animals that are from the same family, but that live together inside a common house.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Associated with the yellow color, the Solar Plexus Chakra is considered the key to the interaction and communication of animals with humans. When this vortex is activated in a dog or cat, it is able to unite with its tutor’s solar plexus, promoting a very strong energetic connection between the two living beings.

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra appears in green and / or pink and represents the loving energy shared between the animal and the human being. Much is said here that, once connected with its guardian, the animal is able to love him unconditionally. All of that love can be further strengthened through the cardiac energetic vortex.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is symbolized by the color blue and the action of this chakra is linked to the communication of non-human animals. Its development is a little different compared to the Throat Chakra of human animals, after all, non-human animals do not depend only on vocalization to communicate.

In dogs and cats, this energy is used for conscious communication with some intention behind it, such as, for example, when animals want to communicate something to us humans, through barking, howling, meowing and purring.

Frontal Chakra

Represented by the indigo blue color, the Frontal Chakra, as well as in humans, is focused on the center of psychic – or extra-physical – vision, which is nothing more than the main responsible for our perceptions. Dogs and cats have their heightened senses compared to humans, so their frontal vortex is even more powerful.

Crown Chakra

Usually seen in violet, gold or white, the Crown Chakra is directly connected with the Divine, popularly known as God. It is a part of the subconscious that is present in all living beings, regardless of the species.

Friends, I will gradually deepen the information and perceptions about the chakra points present in animals and the whole Reiki treatment that can be applied under them! Stay tuned on our website to not miss any content.

With Love

Ricardo Gare

Veterinary and Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP (San Paulo University – Brazil)

Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor

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