Meditating with animals who embody air energy can empower us to reconnect with joy within our life force, empower our thoughts in difficult moments, and practice letting go of what no longer serves us.
This class will be offered on Zoom in English with a Portuguese simultaneous translation available if needed. Can’t make it live? All participants will receive the English video (and Portuguese audio recordings if requested).
Saturday, July 10th, 2021
10-11:30AM Pacific time
Kathleen and Ricardo believe it is time for humans to wake up to the blessings that animals of the world are offering to us each and every day. This class is the third in the Animal Wisdom Series, and we hope this series of courses will support you in creating a more compassionate life! Find deeper wisdom and insights by meditating with the special animals in this series. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to join the English and Portuguese healing community for the good of all beings!