Do nonhuman animals create their own health and disease like we do? A quantum explanation.

Does the illness process symbolize a process created by ourselves? Does this process happen in non-human animals in the same way? After all, are living beings in general responsible for maintaining their own health and for the appearance of their diseases?

These and countless other questions on the subject can be answered by quantum physics. In this post, we will delve into this content and talk a little more about the mental body, emotional body, vital body and chakras. Are you curious to know more? So take a look at what we have prepared next!

Spiritual Consciousness

Spiritual Consciousness, also known as “Higher Self”, “Higher Consciousness” or “Quantum Monad”, is individualized in a corporeal expression to express virtues and contribute to other living beings. In short, this conception is represented by the evolution of life itself, manifested in the way that we see and feel it.

This Spiritual Consciousness brings with it some conditioning and life experiences, which can be both positive and negative. While positive conditionings are symbolized by principles and virtues, negative ones, in turn, are represented by fears, phobias, aversions and limiting beliefs.

Within quantum physics, there is another concept called “Collapse”. In this mechanism, it is stated that all forms of existence on this planet are offered in a range of possibilities, where the observer, that is, the living being, is the one who decides which possibility will happen and become “reality”.
Below, we have separated an example of this concept and addressed the main characteristics of physical, mental and vital bodies. Look!

Physical, mental and vital body

Imagine that, among all these possibilities of expression, the observer decides to collapse like him/her self as cat in the Universe. Imagine that, for the next life, the feline form is the best option to learn and express its virtues.

Before the gross body, which we call the physical, will come the mental body and the vital body. The Mental Body, as the name implies, is the place where mental processes reside, that is, where thoughts are collapsed. The vital body is the energetic structure of our emotions and feelings.

The role of the Mental Body is to access the world of archetypes and transform them into mental understandings through thoughts and ideas. In contrast, the role of the Vital Body is to create, together with the Mental Body, the Physical Body and also to map what is happening in the interaction with the “external” world.

When we respond to an external event, an energetic movement is created in our body, which is materialized as some emotion or feeling. If we stop to pay attention to where in the body we feel an emotion, we will notice this energetic movement.

In short, Spiritual Consciousness is capable of collapsing both the mental body and the vital body at the same time. In the quantum process called “Quantum Entanglement” one body interferes with the other and, in the end, they end up depending on the existence of each one.

The Morphic or Morphogenetic Field

Still talking about the Vital Body, there is an energetic form of each organ, which Rupert Sheldrake called the Morphic or Morphogenetic Field. But what does that mean?

It means that it is the energetic body that originates the physical body and not the other way around, as we discussed above. Imagine it like this: Spiritual Consciousness creates the mental concept of what a heart is and says exactly what will be its function within the organism. The Vital Body, in turn, runs the program of what a heart does in its energy matrix.

Through the Chakras – which are important energetic vortexes in the Vital Body -, the waves of possibilities are collapsed in the Physical Body and a representation of an energetic heart begins to originate within the organism, concluding the concept of Morphic Field in non-human animals.

The Origin of Diseases

What we know by illness is often an imbalance of these emotional, vital and mental aspects.

From an event, we can interpret what happened as something good or bad for our life. This goes according to our conditioning, memories and experiences that we have been through.

In our life experiences, it is common for us to create a habit of interpretation and response. It is possible to change this conception, but that is a subject for another moment of our study.

With non-human animals, this scenario does not change. To give a better example, I will tell you about a situation that happened to my cat here at home.

One day, my cat went to the living room and found it empty, unfurnished. Automatically, a response was conditioned in his unconscious, making him interpret that something was wrong.

Maybe something happened when he was little, something unexpected. It may have been a sudden change of environment, an abandonment, a rescue from a critical situation or a change of family. There may be many possibilities that only the technique of Animal Communication between Consciousness can help to find the correct answer.

In short, in the face of this change of scenery, my cat developed / collapsed a negative feeling in his emotional body. This energetic movement started to affect your Physical Body, causing an imbalance in your Basic and Umbilical chakras.


The big question behind it is that if it continues to collapse the same type of mental interpretation, that unbalanced energetic movement in certain chakras will be recurrent.

As in this vital body there are “the energetic form” of the organs and the information of what the cells of those organs must do, this irregular movement will generate unstable signals for the physical part, developing a physical imbalance, that is, a disease.

This is the way to understand how a disease originates. The health of non-human animals, like that of human animals, depends not only on the chakras, but also on all their mental, emotional, vital aspects and the external environment.

Also read: Do you know what Animal Intuitive Communication is?

With Love

Ricardo Gare

Veterinary and Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP (San Paulo University – Brazil)

Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor

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