Do you know what Intuitive Animal Communication is?

Today I want to talk about Animal Intuitive Communication which I also call Animal Communication between Consciousnesses.


What is Intuitive Animal Communication?

It is a way of transmitting information and receiving information from other animal species (dog, cat, bird, reptile, etc.).

It is a non-verbal communication that anyone can learn through a course (we teach them here).

Typically Animal Intuitive Communication can happen in any of these ways:


Where we ask something and receive an answer in the form of an image.

For example: I can ask if the dog is fine and he shows or I see an image of the tutor leaving and him being alone.


According to the previous case, which is very common with non-human animals that have already gone through some neglect and carry this trauma and fear.

Having seen this image, I can ask something like, “And how do you feel when your tutor leaves the house?”

The answer may now come in the form of a bodily sensation, such as feeling afraid.


Words and phrases
Then I can ask something like, “Why are you scared?”

In this format of capturing the answer, I will probably hear or perceive a thought like this: “I am afraid that he will also abandon me”.

From here I could investigate further by asking when it first happened to find out the source of this trauma.

How do we perceive phrases if the non-human animal does not speak Portuguese or any other language.

Many non-human animals understand many human words, but this is not the case here.

There is a universal language that is the intention. The intention is implicit in what we think, speak and feel, but how do we understand each other in this format that can look like a conversation with phrases?

One detail, usually the voice or thought is a thought and an internal voice of ours.

What happens is the following.

The non-human animal responds through a vibration charged with an intention. Our mental and cerebral apparatus encodes this information implies intention and translates it into something we recognize, transforming it into words and phrases.

It happens instantly.

Important: the mind operates the brain to give meanings, just as you operate your cell phone or computer and gives meanings to symbols and letters. The mind is not the brain. The brain is something biological similar to a biocomputer. The mind is subtle and non-local, that is, it is not attached to anything physical / biological. It operates the biological.


In this way, communication really looks like a conversation and is very interesting.


Some people have facilities for one or more ways to capture information, others have facilities for all forms.

It may be that in an intuitive communication it takes place through images and sensations and then, when you do it with another non-human animal, it takes the form of a conversation.

It also depends on the way the other wants to pass the information.

We can also ask the other to show in the body what he is feeling and thus felt in ours.


What are the purposes of Intuitive Animal Communication?

With Love

Ricardo Gare

Veterinary and Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP (San Paulo University – Brazil)

Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor

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