Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen – Reiki Symbols

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the 3rd symbol learned in the Level 2 Reiki seminars and one of its meanings is: “neither past, nor present, nor future”.

Its energetic frequency acts strongly in the mental aspect and, in this way, it favors the functioning of our conscience and mind, which are the great generators of balance and emotional imbalance. Once unstable, this frequency can generate unbalanced emotions and, consequently, reflect physically in our body.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen also represents the symbol that the Reikian uses when he wants to send Reiki through time and space, and at the moment of breaking the connections of time with the past and the future. Furthermore, it is also a symbol that allows us to access our Akashic records.

Through it, we can reprogram the focus of our main problems by sending Reiki energy to the past, at a time when some specific adversity started to arise. In other words, this energy allows us to go back in time and have a clearer view of some trauma that was quite uncomfortable in the past so that, in this way, we can prevent this from recurring in the present.

Considering that the present and the future are spaces of time that interact, we can also send the Reiki energy to the future, programming how it will act in our understanding in the face of an event that was previously programmed and expected.

After we are able to look back and feel all the emotions arising in the past, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen will enable us to have new options for action to overcome the problem generated.

How does the process work?


The process corresponds to the release of old emotions recorded in our subconscious by the action of Sei He Ki, in order, through Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, to create a change in the mental pattern eliminating or decreasing the perceived damage. It can be used in the moments leading up to a remarkable opportunity in our lives, such as a job interview, a court hearing, a job meeting, a specific exam or a long-awaited trip, for example.

This symbol can also be used to treat something that is not palpable, such as a relationship between two people, who, from Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, will experience more understanding, tolerance, relaxation and harmony. We can treat depression, a disagreement with the family or any other abstract situation. We can use this treatment even in the disincarnated.

Using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

While Choku Rei is energetically independent, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and Sei He Ki are dependent on the energy of the Choku Rei symbol to be able to activate and initiate their specific effects.

When in doubt which symbol to use in a treatment, use all three! That way, you will avoid making judgments and diagnoses. Undoubtedly, it won’t hurt to use the three symbols every time.

Reiki symbols, at any time, must be used in descending order, that is, first Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, then Sei He Ki – especially when the recipient also has emotional problems – and, finally, Choku Rei .

When we clearly perceive that the triggering factor of imbalance has its focus on a past event and we want to solve this and program the energy for the future, we must place both hands on the top of the head (crown chakra) and visualize the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

Then, the Sei He Ki symbol is activated, where it is necessary to make an affirmation three times in a row for the moment when the energy should act. And last but not least, we see the Choku Rei symbol.

It is extremely important to repeat the mantras of each corresponding symbol three times in order to be able to activate them effectively. Otherwise, they will not be activated and the process must be done from the beginning again.

Possible alternatives to connect with the traumas of the past

We can use a photograph from the time of the trauma to assist in the healing and emotional rebalancing process. If you do not have a photo and do not specifically remember the date when the trauma occurred, just think about the problem itself and make positive statements – always three times – boosting the Reiki energy so that it reaches that wound and heals it.

The path taken by the Reikian symbols

Over a period of time, some Reiki teachers understood that Reiki was an oral tradition and that students could not take anything written home, nor the symbols they trained in the Level 2 course.

When the students came home, it was no longer possible to remember the symbol taught through orality with precision, and so each drew it as they remembered, giving rise to countless different versions.

Another aspect that contributed to so many interpretations, was the fact that some teachers understood that the symbols were sacred and, therefore, they could not show and teach them to those who were not Reikians. Today we know that it is different.

When the teacher, writer and one of the main pioneers of Reiki in Brazil, Johnny De’Carli, visited Japan to see how Reiki was taught in its origin, he ended up discovering that the creator of the technique, Mikao Usui, delivered a complete handout to your students. This only demonstrates that Reiki is not an exclusive tradition, much less an oral one.

In this booklet, Mikao Usui put an interview he gave to a journalist. In the first question, Usui clearly positioned himself against the decree, saying that the Reiki Technique he created was not and should not be secret.

In this way we discover that it is not a problem for people who are not Reikians to see and have access to the symbols. That sacred is not necessarily synonymous with secret.

What happens in practice is that they can only be used and activated by Reikians, because during the Reiki course, the symbols are activated on the student. Anyone who is not a Reikian and trying to use it will not hurt, it just won’t be able to activate them.


Ricardo Gare

Founder of the Animal Consciousness Center

Veterinary and Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP (San Paulo University – Brazil)

Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor

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