Intuitive Animal Communication Between Consciousnesses

Intuitive Animal Communication between Consciousnesses is a way of communicating with animals and understanding them clearly.

Instead of deducing or finding what they are looking for, we ask and they answer. This is done through specific techniques to access and carry out this communication clearly. That is, knowing how animals communicate helps us to understand non-human animals, what they need and how we can help them.

This is a technique that can be applied together with the therapy that your partner is already using. Among its most varied indications, it has been widely used:

The Intuitive Animal Communication between Consciousness technique is a technique developed by me, Ricardo Garé.

I had other teachers of different techniques of Animal Intuitive Communication and after many practices, assistance contact with other techniques and moments of expansions I realized some ways to improve what I had been doing, in this way, I developed the technique that I call Animal Intuitive Communication among Animal Consciousness or Communication between Consciousness and teaching in courses.

There are no better techniques than the others, only the one that touches you the most.

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