Report: animal appointment with ThetaHealing® in maritacas birds

Animal ThetaHealing Holistic Vet Ricardo Gare

At a time of practice during a ThetaHealing® Animal seminar held in a ThetaHealing Animal Seminar, a leader of the NGO where the seminar where happening, made ThetaHealing’s animal communication with a group of rescued maritacas who were there.

In an practice of ThetaHealing Animal, we perform animal communication and then all ThetaHealing techniques that are used on human.

The report written by Tereza herself follows: “My experience with ThetaHealing in animals was very strong and striking. I chose to treat a group of maritacas birds that had their feet amputated due to the mode of transportation when they were trafficked.

At first they were very agitated.

At the beginning of the technique one of them came to converse intuitively.

Upon reaching her Higher Self, they all fell silent and she was a representative of the group.

When asked what troubled them was said that they were revolted by the situation they were in and that they believed they did not deserve freedom.

Using the Digging (Dig Deeper technique) you learn in the ThetaHealing course, I asked if they had felt this before and they showed me the clear picture of when they were taken from the nests.

Then, with the intention of asking if they had felt this way before, they showed me an image that impressed me.

I saw some slaves joined by chains on their legs.

I asked for the cancellation and replacement of the belief that they could not be free.

I asked for the healing of fragments of souls, cleansing their energy field, and also restoring energetic limbs.

I sent unconditional love.

I felt there was a cure for these beings.

I’m very grateful to be involved in this process. ”

After all the students in the seminar had attended some animals, we met to share what had happened to each animal and when Tereza shared this report, it was very clear that these spirits were healing from a traumatic experience where they were human slaves in another experience and that came in this experience as maritacas birds.

Most probably the choice of healing as maritacas occurred because it is possible easier experience being this animal specie than being a human again, since it is very common in non-human animals that the mind and ego are less active, favoring healing processes, unconditional love and less identification with trauma and low vibration feelings / emotions.

The ThetaHealing is really transformative.

– Ricardo Garé

ThetaHealing Instructor and Therapist, Reiki Master, Holistic Veterinary and Floral Essence Therapist

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