Sexual Chakra of Non-Human Animals – Emotions and Unconscious

Hello Reikian friends! In this post, as you may have already seen, we studied a little more about the functions of the basic chakra.

We introduce what its aspects are, we speak in which organs the energization occurs, we introduce in which moment an animal absorbs an unbalanced pattern of a human Chakra and we approach the ways that it can present itself in that animal through physical and behavioral symptoms.

Today we will talk specifically about the Sexual Chakra and how this source can be absorbed by an animal. So, if you want to go even deeper into the topic addressed, do not miss what we have prepared next!

To recap!

The Chakra, in Sanskrit, means vortex or wheel and represents an essential part of the energy system that every living being has.

These flows originate at points where the crossing of energetic lines by the body occurs. Hindus and Tibetans call these energy lines Nadis and the Chinese, in turn, call them meridians.

When these lines cross, an accumulation of energy is created, which is later transformed into an energetic vortex. These vortexes are called Chakras.

To remember how it works and learn more about them, just click here.

Sexual Chakra

The Sexual Chakra (in Sanskrit, Svadhisthana) symbolizes an energetic vortex related to pleasure, emotions and the joy of living.

This Chakra is the Chakra of reproduction, responsible for representing affective relationships with regard to sexual pleasure.

It is the Chakra that concentrates the qualities linked to sexuality, curiosity, the creative search for material pleasure, the taste for beautiful things, art, emotions and relationships with other individuals.

It is a fundamental Chakra, whose correct activity allows us to love life, making it more pleasurable.

Its malfunction can turn life into a small personal “hell”, which ends up reflecting on the people with whom we live and relate.

Physically, this unbalanced Chakra manifests itself as constipation or appendicitis, which can cause difficulties in childbirth, low vitality and all diseases related to the intestines.

It is represented by a vortex open towards the front, also having a vortex at the back.

If the root chakra is not open in all their aspects, the other chakras will not be able to open completely and will therefore work in a very restricted way.

Sexual Chakra Technical Information

The Sexual or Umbilical Chakra is located two fingers below the navel, forming a vortex facing the front and back of our body.

Physically, this energy flow is responsible for the testicles and ovaries. Spiritually, the Chakra is associated with the emotional realm of each living being.

In humans, the Sexual Chakra is composed of 6 petals, where each petal is defined as an energetic channel that passes through the vortex.

In addition, its predominant color is Orange, it is responsible for the Water element and has VAM as its main mantra.

Imbalances of the Sexual Chakra

Some factors that unbalance the Sexual Chakra are: possessive love, mental confusion, impressionable people, selfishness, actions taken by the ego, exaggerated aggression, exaggerated eroticism, shame, mental dispersion, permanent stress, unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

To circumvent these possible scenarios, it is necessary to have at hand some tool for healing and self-knowledge, such as Reiki, Thetahealing, Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga, Flower Therapies, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and other related treatments.

Animals and the Sexual Chakra

As mentioned in the previous texts – and quoted at the beginning of this article – non-human animals absorb some balanced and unbalanced vibrations from human beings.

They are able to absorb the emotional and mental patterns of each individual. If we are balanced we will help them to balance. If we are unbalanced we will influence their imbalance.

In nature, a non-human animal is rarely emotionally unbalanced and has physical dysfunctions. The non-human animals that exhibit these disorders are precisely those that live with humans in a domestic environment.

A non-human animal who lives with a tutor who has intense emotional imbalances can absorb this vibration, causing his Chakra to also become unbalanced.

Once unbalanced, he can present the same emotional problems as his tutor or externalize these irregularities in the form of physical dysfunctions of the organs that this Chakra energizes, such as testicles, ovaries, bladder, uterus and intestine.

Another symptom that can also occur is when a human energetically influences the animal, and that non-human animal ends up developing the same physical / emotional symptom as its guardian.


If the animal absorbs an emotional pattern from its guardian and manifests that same behavior, it means that the vibration of that pattern probably connected with the vibration of the animal, regardless of whether it is less than that of its guardian.

Characteristics of the Sexual Chakra in dogs and cats

The Sexual Chakra in dogs and cats has a very large role in the spread of the species.
In females, the Sexual Chakra is concentrated in the ventral (belly) region. In a situation of interbreeding with a male, this Chakra becomes more active, emitting an energetic pattern to the male, which makes him attractive to him.

In the male, the Sexual Chakras are concentrated both in the ventral region and in the dorsal region. These flows capture the body’s signals, making the back chakra more active. In this way, it favors the search for a female, increases sexual energy and potentiates the urge to mate and propagate the species.

In a mating situation, the Sexual Chakra concentrated in the male’s dorsal region becomes more active. The female’s most active Sexual Chakra is in the ventral region.


When unbalanced, the Sexual Chakra of dogs and cats can generate two polarities:

Low energy value: The flow of vitality from the Basic Chakra does not find enough energy in the Sexual Chakra to continue to expand through the body, making the animal apathetic and discouraged.

High energy value: In males, this imbalance causes them to become super territorial. The main sign of irregularity is represented by the excessive demarcation of territory, through urine and sometimes through feces. In females, the imbalance causes them to become overprotective. Dogs can bite and attack others to protect their litter and cats can start collecting things and objects around the house, as if they were for their puppies.

Exercise to rebalance this Chakra

One of the most powerful alternatives to rebalance the Sexual Chakra is represented by Meditation focusing on Abdominal Breathing. This activity is super simple and only requires 5 to 15 minutes of your day. See the step by step below:

  1. Sit comfortably.
  2. Take a deep breath and let it out. Breathe in and breathe three times, letting all the tension, worry, and stress go away when you let it out.
  3. Smile.
  4. Place one or two hands over your belly button and notice the movement your belly makes when you inhale and exhale. Inhaling the belly expands. Breathing out the belly returns to normal.
  5. Put all your attention on your hand and yours on your belly, noticing how your breathing behaves.
  6. Stay the rest of the time in that awareness of your hands on your belly, the movement of your belly with your breath and your breath.
  7. At the end, give thanks, make gentle movements to regain your balance, get up and continue the day as normal.
  8. Mantra to do and repeat: I enjoy living!


Did you understand how this relationship works friends?

If we want to help our companions and other non-human animals, we must start by helping ourselves first. It is important to avoid feeling guilty. Guilt is another energy that unbalances.
It is their choice, for the love they feel for us, to play this role. In all reports of intuitive animal communication they have shown that they do not want to see us suffering. They want to see us happy.

In the next text I will talk a little more about the Solar Plexus Chakra, what its aspects are and how your relationships work to balance it.

Ricardo Gare

Veterinary and Master in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of USP (San Paulo University – Brazil)

Master in Reiki, Professional Animal Communicator, ThetaHealing Instructor

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