Tutor and dog energetic relationship

You get anxious and then your dog is too.

You arrive stressed, your dog jumps on you non-stop.

The stress lasts for more days, your dog keeps jumping on you, trying to make you happy, but ends up with vomiting or diarrhea.

Why does it happen?

Well, all animals, including us, human animals, are always in energetic relationships and exchanging subtle information with others, with the environment and with situations.

Sometimes (or always) we end up absorbing more than we could handle and this is a clue to how dogs act energetically.

There in the ancestors of dogs they needed to defend and ensure the survival of the pack and that means protecting everyone.

Today your dog doesn’t need to protect you. We live in a safer place and in a house protecting us…but this information is still part of his field (morphic field) and he maintains this belief that he needs to save you.

Saving the other is a very heavy belief, because we will always be doing everything to protect and make the other happy.

Like a dog.

This is what most beings who are expressing themselves like dogs do and bring from beliefs to resolve.

Your dog probably has this belief and it needs to be worked on in him, because the extreme of it is him giving his life for you, which we don’t want.

Through Intuitive/Telepathic Animal Communication we can understand where this belief came from, when it started and help him feel safe, trust you, without having to always be alert or absorb everything from you.

You can show him that you have the tools to take care of yourself and are doing it.

Ps: you are taking care of yourself and doing the work of self-knowledge right?

Otherwise, it’s no use explaining to him if we don’t do anything about our mental and emotional movements.

What’s up?

Do you have a dog like this?

Who wants to see you happy anyway?

Tell me what he does and if you’ve noticed a similarity between your behavior and his!

Just send me an email and let me know! I really want to know: info@animalconsciousnesscenter.com

With love
Ricardo Garé
Integrative Veterinarian, Professional Animal Communicator, Reiki Master
Founder of the Animal Consciousness Center

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